Monday, April 23, 2007

10 books: Stand Back, I'm Going To Try Science!

I've come to realize that lately I've been living a lie. I've been living the fast, glamorous, carefree life of a bookworm, proudly displaying my shelves upon shelves of books, reading the reviews and discussing the latest books with friends, even buying a lot of books but not doing much, you know, actual reading.

I think the main reason for this is that, having changed jobs and moved, I no longer have a 1 -hour-each-way TTC commute every day, and thus have lost my habitual daily reading time. Also, I think I've just gotten out of the habit, you can conversationally and intellectually coast on past books for quite a while but that tank starts to run dry eventually and it's time for a fill-up.

So, I'm going to apply myself to doin' some readin' everyday, 10 books off my in-pile, approximately alternating fiction and non-fiction, and blogging about it to keep myself honest.

  1. A Long Way Down - Nick Hornby
  2. Uncle Tungsten - Olivier Sacks
  3. London Fields - Martin Amis
  4. Animals In translation - Temple Grandin
  5. The Mysterious Flame of Queen Loana - Umberto Eco
  6. The Man Who Loved Only Numbers - Paul Hoffman
  7. The Confusion - Neal Stephenson
  8. Salt - Mark Kurlansky
  9. House Of Leaves - Mark Z. Danielewski
  10. Waiting For Godot - Samuel Beckett

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