Wednesday, July 4, 2007


So there's a little market Tuesdays at Trinity Bellwoods park, that I pass by on my way home. Occasionally I'll buy a loaf of bread or some veg if it looks good. They're having this 100 mile potluck dinner challenge, wherein you make a dish only from things grown within a 100 mile radius, for to promote sustainability and local produce and such.

I kind of want to sign up for it and bring, I don't know, a delicious broccoli in cheddar sauce with kale, chard and endive salad, watch them eat it, then reveal, to their horror that everything was washed and steamed in Fiji water. You know, like that episode of South Park with Radiohead?v "What?! Noooooooooo! *barf* Noooooooooo!"


oli said...

the cheese would have to be made within 100 miles. are there lots of cows around?

laurie said...

you make me laugh